Sons of the Forest é um jogo eletrônico de sobrevivência e horror desenvolvido pela Endnight Games, sendo uma sequência direta de The Forest. Com todo seu destaque, cheats foram criados para tornar a experiência dos jogadores ainda mais emocionante ou para facilitar as coisas no ambiente hostil em que se encontram. Veja a seguir Sons of the Forest cheats para consoles e os adicione para se divertir ainda mais, seja sozinho ou com seus amigos.
Sons of the Forest é um jogo eletrônico de sobrevivência e horror desenvolvido pela Endnight Games, sendo uma sequência direta de The Forest.
Ambientado em uma ilha misteriosa, “Sons of the Forest” coloca os jogadores no papel de um sobrevivente que, após um acidente de avião, se vê preso em um ambiente hostil, habitado por criaturas estranhas e ameaças desconhecidas. Assim como seu antecessor, o jogo enfatiza a exploração, construção de abrigos e a busca por recursos para sobreviver. Além disso, existem cheats para facilitar a vida dos jogadores em meio a floresta repleta de canibais, por meio disso, confira nossa lista sobre Sons of the Forest cheats para consoles abaixo:
É importante ressaltar que o jogo está disponível apenas para PC, e para saber mais sobre o jogo e como comprá-lo, acesse o site oficial da Steam e adquira já Sons of the Forest.
Sons of the Forest cheats |
Muitos jogadores não sabem como usar comandos de console em Sons of the Forest, por meio disso, preparamos um tutorial simples e rápido! Veja o passo a passo abaixo;
Como ativar os cheats de Sons of The Forest?
- 1° Passo: Primeiramente, inicie seu jogo e aperte a tecla F1 para abrir o console de comandos de Sons of The Forest;
- 2° Passo: Em seguida, copie o código desejado de nossa lista e cole no console que foi aberto;
- 3° Passo: Por fim, basta apertar a tecla “Enter” para ativar o cheat.
Todos os cheats para jogadores
Função do código |
Sons of the Forest cheats |
settimeofday night | Changes time to night |
locktimeofday morning | Time remains morning |
forcerain heavy | Changes weather to rain |
forcerain sunny | Changes weather to sunny |
season summer | Changes season to summer |
addallitems | Give yourself all items |
removeallitems | Removes most from inventory |
additem [item name] | Adds an item (ie: shovel, chainsaw) |
speedyrun on | Lets you run faster |
speedyrun off | Turns off fast run |
cavelight on | Illuminates area around you |
showhud off | Turns HUD off |
showhud on | Turns HUD on |
season winter | Changes season to winter |
season spring | Changes season to spring |
save | Saves your game |
superjump on | Lets you super jump |
superjump off | Turns off super jump |
cavelight off | Turns off illumination around you |
spawnworldobject x | Spawns item specified (ie: stick, rock) |
instantbookbuild on | Builds anything selected from book |
instantbookbuild off | Turns off instant build cheat |
regenhealth | Refills health |
locktimeofday morning | Time remains morning |
forcerain heavy | Changes weather to rain |
forcerain sunny | Changes weather to sunny |
season summer | Changes season to summer |
season autumn | Changes season to autumn |
createlight | Adds a lightsource to the world |
settimeofday [1-24] | Changes the time of day |
settimeofday morning | Changes time to early morning |
settimeofday night | Changes time to night |
Command | In-game effect |
godmode on | Turns on god mode |
godmode off | Turns off god mode |
buffstats | Refills hunger, thirst, stamina |
Cheats para usar em inimigos e NPCs
Função do código |
Sons of the Forest cheats |
aighostplayer off | Enemies see you |
aipause | AI entities (including companions) freeze in place |
aidisable | AI entities (including companions) completely vanish |
Command | In-game effect |
addcharacter robby 1 | Spawn an extra Kelvin |
addvirginia | Spawn an extra Virginia |
aishowthoughts on | Display AI paths/thoughts |
killradius [number] | Kills everything within chosen range (ie, 10) |
aigodmode on | Turns on god mode for companions |
aigodmode off | Turns off god mode for companions |
aighostplayer on | Enemies ignore you |
IDs de itens de Sons Of The Forest: Como gerar os itens
Itens |
ID dos itens |
Log | 78 |
Grab Bag | 351 |
Stun Gun | 353 |
Pistol | 355 |
Shotgun | 358 |
Pistol ammo | 362 |
Slug | 363 |
Buckshot | 364 |
Crossbow | 365 |
Crossbow Bolt | 368 |
Stun Gun Ammo | 369 |
Modern Arrow | 373 |
Pistol Silencer | 374 |
Tactical Axe | 379 |
Knife | 380 |
Frag Grenade | 381 |
Revolver | 386 |
Molotovs | 388 |
Printer Resin | 390 |
Stick | 392 |
Rock | 393 |
Chainsaw | 394 |
Backpack | 402 |
Rope | 403 |
Wristwatch | 410 |
GPS Tracker | 412 |
Plasma Lighter | 413 |
Alcohol | 414 |
Cloth | 415 |
Duct Tape | 419 |
Noodles | 421 |
Flask | 426 |
Sled | 428 |
Skull | 430 |
Raw Meat | 433 |
Canned Food | 434 |
Fish | 436 |
MRE Snack Rations | 438 |
Energy Drink | 439 |
Flare | 440 |
Energy Bar | 441 |
Rebreather | 444 |
Aloe Vera | 451 |
Health Mix | 455 |
Health Mix + | 456 |
Energy Mix | 461 |
Energy Mix + | 462 |
Cross | 468 |
Air Canister | 469 |
Flashlight | 471 |
Leaf Armor | 473 |
Crafted Spear | 474 |
Small Rock | 476 |
Feather | 479 |
Severed Arm | 480 |
Severed Leg | 481 |
Emergency Pack | 483 |
Leaf | 484 |
Walkie Talkie | 486 |
Bone Armor | 494 |
Cash | 496 |
Torch | 503 |
Tarp | 504 |
Medium Rock | 506 |
Turtle Shell | 506 |
Stone Arrow | 507 |
Loot Pouch | 508 |
Skin Pouch | 508 |
Food Tray | 512 |
Cooking Pot | 517 |
Hide Armor | 519 |
Rope Gun | 522 |
Zipline Rope | 523 |
Guest Keycard | 526 |
Battery | 527 |
GPS Locator | 529 |
Blueprint Book | 552 |
Tech Mesh | 553 |
Tech Armor | 554 |
Grappling Hook | 560 |
Maintenance Keycard | 566 |
VIP Keycard | 568 |
Golden Armor | 572 |
Guide Book | 589 |
Radio | 590 |
Creepy Armor | 593 |
Printer Arrow | 618 |
Swimsuit | 619 |
Outros cheats de Sons of the Forest para consoles
Sons of the Forest cheats para consoles
- disablegowildcard
- renderspheres
- enablescene
- destroy
- wsscaling
- rumbletest
- speedyrun
- virginiavisit
- loaddebugconsolemod
- worldgroupid
- forcecloudprofile
- playcutscene
- audiodebugstates
- superjump
- refillcontainers
- virginiagiveitem
- forcerain
- showprojectiletraits
- setcurrentday
- counttag
- listdeathmarkers
- resetallachievements
- getgamemode
- listachievements
- instantrespawnhere
- setgamemode
- togglestructureresistancedebug
- aiverboselog
- reportlogsnow
- mipmapstreamingbudget
- dynamicresolutionoverride
- aipoolstats
- toggleocclusionculling
- aishoweventmemory
- cloudfactor
- workscheduler
- gotozone
- sprinttoggle
- togglebeamdebug
- inspectgo
- spawnedobjectstats
- help
- aijumpdebug
- profilersnapshot
- addcharacter
- playerinterruptedkeys
- showcollisionobjectnames
- showtriggercollision
- survival
- showmeshtrianglecounts
- removeallstoryitems
- aiworldeventstats
- gamepaddeadzone
- diggingclear
- freecamera
- vitalsshowdebug
- mousexsensitivity
- regenhealth
- setstrengthlevel
- filteraudio
- clearmidactionflag
- checkfrozenentities
- allowasync
- crouchtoggle
- replaceshader
- enablecheats
- mouseysensitivity
- radiodebug
- followstop
- robbyincutscenes
- aishowdebug
- greebledrockscollision
- gotocoords
- terraintessdist
- setplayerrace
- disconnectplayers
- listactiveentities
- showui
- logshowwarnings
- hideworldposfor
- cloudenable
- loghack
- season
- disablecomponent
- invisible
- playernetanimator
- userigidbodyrotation
- logvirtual
- lightninghittreechance
- aianimspeed
- terrainrender
- setproperty
- openmacrosfolder
- slapchap
- settimeofday
- timeofdayconnectiondebug
- resetsettings
- aishowanims
- Command
- setworldobjectstaterange
- unloadunusedassets
- setwindintensity
- killlocalplayer
- disconnectplayer
- igniteradius
- logshownone
- showfps
- playdeathmarker
- billboardenabled
- hitlocalplayer
- treeradius
- loadmacros
- gccollect
- aiangerlevel
- createlight
- showbutterflyinfo
- showdebugzones
- treefallcontactinfo
- spawnworldobject
- logshowinfo
- trailer3
- clearbushradius
- veganmode
- togglesuperstructureroomsvisualdebug
- showhud
- invertlook
- unloadscene
- loddebugmaterials
- checkexitmenu
- aizonestats
- reportwarningsnow
- aishowstats
- spawnfallingtree
- spawnpickup
- dismemberradius
- playeranimparams
- resetachievement
- terrainrendersimple
- audiodescription
- gotoforce
- checkattechedentities
- loddebugranges
- addmemory
- disablegameobjecttester
- cloudshadowsenable
- setstat
- buildermode
- postprocessingcomponent
- billboardignorechanges
- spawnitem
- showmeshobjectnames
- toggleworkscheduler
- aishowplayerinfluences
- airnworldevent
- spawnrenderspheres
- togglefpsdisplay
- removeliving
- aithoughtnocooldown
- deathcount
- setopeningcrash
- getlayerculldistance
- destroyragdoll
- aiworldstats
- qualitytexture
- capsulemode
- playdeathmarker
- logshowerrors
- areashadow
- addvirginia
- characterlods
- setgamesetupsetting
- damgedebug
- gravity
- camerafov
- enablecollisionbasedkillbox
- grabsgeneratebuilt
- aistatadjust
- aidodgetest
- clearallsettings
- revivelocalplayer
- outputsnappointstofile
- aighostplayer
- showactivelights
- setgametimespeed
- aiarmorlevel
- additem
- setspeakermode
- dynamicresolutiontarget
- aidummy
- reporterrorsnow
- ammohack
- aivailstats
- aishowpaths
- joinsteamlobby
- airadar
- terrainpixelerror
- resetinputaes
- astar
- cameradlss
- removeitem
- creepyvillage
- playgameover
- clear
- anisoenabled
- togglefiredebug
- aiarmortier
- gameoverdelaytime
- gainstrength
- follow
- listgowithlayer
- removeshader
- countlinkedstructures
- profilersample
- debugplayerhitlog
- terrainparallax
- destroyfreeformstructure
- loadscenesingle
- setlayerculldistance
- gamepadxsensitivity
- logtextures
- killradius
- aishowdebugcamera
- terraintess
- buffstats
- mipmapstreamingdiscard
- gamepadysensitivity
- navgraphforceupdate
- loadplayer
- dynamicresolutioncycletest
- setinventorypercent
- listobjects
- refreshentities
- combatteststart
- togglegrabsfacedebug
- godmode
- heallocalplayer
- aishowthoughts
- togglego
- sendmessageto
- exportlinkedstructurestojson
- lightninghittreemustbeinfrontplayer
- listitems
- toggleoverlay
- showstimuli
- treecutsimulatebolt
- aishownavgraph
- aipause
- logging
- aiknockdowndisable
- applydefaultmaterials
- netspawnplayer
- aithought
- timeofdaydebug
- tresscutall
- countgowithlayer
- instantbookbuild
- locktimeofday
- netanimator
- aiforcestrafe
- audioplayevent
- audio2dtest
- animallimitmult
- buildhack
- playdeathcutscene
- playervisibility
- diagrenderers
- virginiaincutscenes
- aistructurelog
- forceplayerexpression
- addallitems
- addallstoryitems
- breakobjects
- virginiagiveplayer
- animalsenabled
- aishowhealth
- enablecomponent
- duplicateobject
- cavelight
- knockdownlocalplayer
- showworldobjects
- listitemswithtags
- playerdebugcamera
- kickplayers
- showmeshmaterialnames
- addallbookpages
- setsetting
- destroywildcard
- toggleplayerstats
- showworldposfor
- count
- saveplayer
- enablestructureghosts
- showobjectlocation
- aivillageclosest
- blockplayerfinaldeath
- testeventmask
- demomode
- enablego
- forcecloud
- anisominmax
- additemswithtag
- worldobjectenableall
- targetframerate
- removedead
- animstatesgui
- disablescene
- importlinkedstructuresfromfile
- vrfps
- robbycarry
- netskinnedbones
- addprefab
- aidisable
- removeallitems
- disablego
- audiodebug
- physicsupdatetime
- audioparameter
- timescale
- lodforce3ddistance
- lightninginterval
- showinworldui
- virginiasentiment
- aishowsurvivalstats
- unlockseason
- findobjectswithshader
- treeocclusionbonus
- setexitedendgame
- damagefreeformstructure
- gototag
- dumplobbyinfo
- aigodmode
- aimemoryadjust
- footstepdebug
- setlookrotation
- aitestsleeo
- togglevsync
- clearaudioparameters
- firstlookforce
- togglegrabberdebug
- lodforce2ddistance
- forceremovetrees
- goto
- debugplayermelee
- loadscene
- exposuresetspeed
- testingsamplefps
- save
- setdifficultymode
- jumptimeofday
- energyhack
- worldobectdisableall
O Clube do Vídeo Game agradece a todos que tenham conferido nosso artigo sobre Sons of the Forest cheats. Esperamos que tenham gostado e caso você nunca tenha ouvido falar sobre este jogo, acesse o site oficial da desenvolvedora Endnight Games Limited.